July 22, 2011

Friday's Faves: Hearts

In honor of one of my newest stationery sets Heart of Gold, this weeks theme is all about hearts!

Point and Click
I love this print and would love to have a smaller version of this for myself. You can find this print and similar adorable ones at ParadaCreations for $19

Heart to You Keychain
This is a very sweet and simple gift to anyone; boyfriend, girlfriend, family member... rawrcakes $5.99

You are Loved
I really enjoy the simplicity in the design and the photo itself; again, another great gift. aplacefortwiggs $28

Cherry Almond Scented Lotion Heart
Mmmm.. True, a strange combination but it sounds divine! BallyhooBath $8

Vintage Look Personalized Wedding Leather Guestbook
Such a pretty album, would go greath with your rustic wedding. crearting $140

Boutique Red Monogrammed Valentines Day Lace Heart
How cute! I want one for myself! bubbipop $3.49

Bunnies Vneck Tshirt
Love this teeshirt. Adding to favorites.... NOW! TeeShirtGnome $25

Broken Heart
I like it. And that's all I have to say. GeekeryJewelry $12

Beads and Hearts Garland
This is so sweet, when I first saw this I actually thought it was a bracelet. annemariesbreiblog $7.98

Hand Embroidered Blue Felt Notebook Cover
I've been really wanting to teach myself how to embroider and this is one reason why. Isn't it pretty? sweetheartsandroses $15


  1. The ParadaCreations print is just so cute! Thanks for sharing the love! :)

  2. There are just too many cute little things in this world! I'm a sucker for it all:-) xoxo

  3. Great finds!! I absolutely adore the camera print
